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Second Chances
Farm and ReEntry
Delaware . . .
A Perfect Match
ore than 100 people attended
ceremonies at Second Chances
MFarm in late July to help cele-
brate the inclusion of Second Chances (left to right) Founder and CEO of ReEntry Delaware,
Farm in a report outlining Best Practices Malone Harmon, Rev. Tony Lowden, appointed by the
submitted by Dr. Ben Carson, Secretary White House as Federal ReEntry Czar and, Ajit Mat-
thew George, Founder and CEO Second Chances
of HUD and Chairman of the White Farm, LLC.
House Opportunity and Revitalization According to Mr. Harmon, “We are looking
Council to the President which features forward to partnering with Second Chances
examples of community revitalization Farm and will do what we can to lend support
occurring across the nation in opportu- to their efforts.” ReEntry Delaware is a 501 C-3
nity zones. nonprofit organization dedicated to helping
returning veterans and those formerly incarcer-
Also in attendance was Pastor Tony ated to rejoin their families, assist with train-
Lowden of Maranatha Baptist Church ing, find employment and become a part of
in Plains, Georgia who was appoint- the American dream.
ed Executive Director of the Adminis-
tration’s Federal Interagency Council on
Crime Prevention and Improving Re-
entry. According to Pastor Lowden, “I
was amazed at all the programs here to
work with individuals reentering society.
We are looking at possibly replicating
this model nationwide to offer similar
opportunities to those who need it the
Malone Harmon, Founder and CEO of
ReEntry Delaware met with Reverend
Lowden and Ajit George, Founder and
CEO of Second Chances Farm, LLC.
40 ReEntry Delaware INVITATIONAL