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Call (844) 889-5610 (toll-free) to
speak with a Stop Soldier Suicide case
manager. Our resource center staff are
available Monday through Friday from
9am to 5pm ET.
ith more than 45,000 veteran service organiza- Whether you or your loved one are
tions recognized by the IRS, getting help can be currently serving (active duty, reserves,
Wdifficult, confusing, and time-consuming. We’re or guard) or have transitioned out of
here to change that. the military, the Stop Soldier Suicide
team stands ready to provide assis-
At Stop Soldier Suicide, we believe that no one who has tance and support to help you navigate
served our country should ever feel alone. Our best-in-class the challenges you’re faced with.
wellness program utilizes evidence-based risk assessment
tools to create a customized wellness plan for veterans and Our resources include:
service members at risk for suicide. This comprehensive plan • Mental health, PTSD, and/or TBI
and continuum of care, led by our highly trained case man- referrals
agers, identifies risk and protective factors, provides connec- • Housing assistance
tions to resources, and much more. • Alternative therapies (HBOT, art
therapy, equine therapy, etc.)
We serve all service members, veterans, and military families • Retreats for military, veterans, and
from every branch and every generation, regardless of dis- their families
charge status. • Education / GI Bill
…and much more.
As a veteran-founded-and-led organization, we understand
the unique challenges and stressors of military life. We also U.S. Army veterans Brian Kinsel-
know firsthand that when a loved one serves, the entire la, Nick Black, and Craig Gridelli
family does too. Stop Soldier Suicide is proud to serve every co-founded Stop Soldier Suicide in
member of the military and veteran communities. 2010 amid the worst suicide crisis our
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