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Like me, both encountered suicide during their time in the        “Stop Soldier Suicide makes it easy
        service. For us, military suicide isn’t just a problem. It’s      for service members, veterans, and

        personal.                                                         military families to get help. Our Well-
                                                                          ness Center is staffed with wellness
        “Through our experiences, we realized that the key to pre-        coordinators who work 1-on-1 with ev-
        venting suicide is to identify, understand, and address the       ery person who reaches out. We assess

        underlying issues — things like financial strain, post-trau-      each individual’s needs, then search
        matic stress and other mental health issues, and difficulties     our database to find the right resources
        navigating the transition from military to civilian — BE-         to meet those needs. If we don’t have
        FORE they escalate to a point of crisis.                          a needed resource, we’ll do our best to
                                                                          locate one.

        “In the early days, the three of us worked out of our living
        rooms in North Carolina and New York City while jug-              “And we don’t stop there. We follow
        gling school and full-time jobs. Soldiers would call our cell     up. Stop Soldier Suicide provides

        phones, and we’d personally search for the appropriate            every client with ongoing wellness
        resources to help. Well, if you’ve ever tried to google “help     coaching. Our coordinators follow up
        for soldiers” or “help for veterans,” you know that the sheer  no less than 10 times to track progress,
        number of results is overwhelming.                                offer support, and address any addi-
                                                                          tional needs that may arise. Our per-

        “There are thousands of organizations offering services and       sonalized approach ensures our clients
        support to our military and veterans, which is great. But         receive the help they need and the
        most have a niche focus — equine therapy, yoga, help for          support they deserve.

        homeless veterans, retreats for combat vets with PTSD, etc.
        And that’s on top of the programs and services available          “We’re also working to bridge the
        through the VA and DoD. What do you do? Does your con-            gap between the military and civilian
        tact, friend, or loved one need yoga? A home? Which orga-         worlds through our Facebook page,

        nization is the right one? Which one do you call?”                where we’ve built a caring community
                                                                          for service members, veterans, military

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