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families, and civilian supporters to • Match clients with appropriate resources. Some service
connect and engage. members and veterans find that alternative therapies —
such as yoga and meditation — help them cope with issues
“What started as a grassroots effort like PTSD, while others may respond better to talk therapy.
in our living rooms has grown into a We identify the right
thriving 501(c)3 nonprofit organization solutions for you. If we don’t have a resource to meet your
that’s driving change, building com- needs, we’ll do our best to locate one.
munity and, most importantly, helping
those who’ve served and sacrificed for • Provide follow-up care. Our wellness coordinators track
our country.” your progress for as long as is needed. We’ll be by your side
to ensure you receive the help you need and the support
— Brian Kinsella, U.S. Army veteran, you deserve. We won’t let you go it alone.
Co-Founder & Chairman of Stop Soldier
Suicide. “Without Stop Soldier Suicide, I would have not have known how
to begin my life again.
When you reach out to Stop Soldier
Suicide, you’ll be connected with a “Coming back home from the front lines of war can be amazingly
wellness coordinator who will provide painful and difficult. Going from one major mindset to a com-
personalized attention, support, and pletely docile one is a recipe for either self destruction and hurt or
assistance. Together, we’ll develop a damage to those around you. I thought about taking my own life
plan to help you navigate the challeng- on three different occasions after returning from Afghanistan. I
es you’re facing and empower you to did not know what to do or who to talk to about the horrors I had
move forward. seen and done and been through.
• Conduct a 1-on-1 assessment with “I connected with the VA and was put through an 8 week inpa-
each individual. There isn’t a ‘one- tient program at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center
size-fits-all’ solution. What works in Houston, Texas. After this, my doctors told me about how to
for one person may not be right for receive a service dog to help prevent further harm and to help with
another. Our wellness coordinators everyday mobility tasks that are no longer easy for me, like bend-
work with you to identify your specific ing over and getting up from the floor.
“Without Stop Soldier Suicide, I would have not have known how
• Create a veteran-centered coaching to begin my life again. The men and women of this organization
plan. Wellness coordinators provide helped me gain an important aspect of life back from this nev-
you with a complete roadmap for be- er-ending battle with PTSD.”
coming highly effective – C.S., U.S. Army veteran
in identifying the next steps and guid-
ing you towards your most successful
26 ReEntry Delaware INVITATIONAL