Delaware County Prisons Reform & Inmate Veterans Programs online slots game malaysia

A black background with the words thank you veterans and an american flag.

According to the US department of justice, every year, a total of half a million inmates are released from prison. Almost two-thirds of those released people will find themselves back into prison within the next three years. The most common reason for this number is that these ex-inmates find it hard to transition back to regular life, and the most common issues these people face are; difficulty in finding stable housing, a lack of job training, no jobs for homeless, and almost no access to drug and alcohol treatments
According to Joan Petersilia in her book, “When prisoners come home: Parole and Re-entry,” between 60 to 75 percent of former inmates find themselves to be jobless even a year after being released. Employers are prevented from asking about the criminal record of a person during the initial application process in 25 states by “Ban the Box” legislation. They are, however, allowed to do a background check later in the application process. This allows for the former convicts to at least have a chance to apply for a job and show their skills to a prospective employer. Although legislation like this is a positive change, there have been other problems. Like a report by The National Institute of Justice reported that black applicants are rejected twice as much in a job application process than a white application with a criminal record.

Although these issues of Delaware jobs for ex prison, housing, treatment, remain to be trivial and critical, they are tangible. An issue of great significance that former inmates face and are more difficult to track is the difficulty they face trying to transition back and navigate through a world that they have been secluded for many years or sometimes, even decades. The world has changed so much while they are gone to prison that when they are out again, it becomes an almost traumatic event trying to readjust into society. Most of the time, these former inmates are suffering from isolation, as those around them have learned to live without them. It affects their self-esteem and mental health.

This stigma of being an ex-inmate also extends to educational opportunities. Most college applications ask for criminal records in the initial application form. Hence, becoming a huge hindrance for those who want to pursue an education or acquire some skills to better themselves and their living conditions by getting an education. It is almost like the punishment of a criminal doesn’t end with their prison sentence but follows them even after they have served it. They are constantly punished for the crimes they once committed, and it doesn’t matter if they are changed

as a person the society sticks to the stigma attached to their names. But it’s important to understand that these ex-convicts can become healthy and contributing members of society if they are given a chance to do so by joining inmate veteran programs and prison reform programs.